
Paraparaumu WWTP Aeration Upgrade

Paraparaumu WWTP Aeration Upgrade

Contract Value: $650K

Contact our Infrastructure Engineering team today!

Reece Lloyd

Reece Lloyd


E: reece.lloyd@maxtarr.co.nz
M: 027 455 5576


Mask Group 13

Nick Reid


E: nick.reid@maxtarr.co.nz
M: 027 324 3114

Mask Group 21

Dylan Buckingham


Contact our Industrial team today!

Mask Group 9

Max Tarr

Executive Director

E: max.tarr@maxtarr.co.nz
M: 027 495 2468

Mask Group 8

Jonathan Hogg

Industrial Manager

E: Jonathan.hogg@maxtarr.co.nz
M: 027 444 2054


Michael Hoggard

Project Manager

Contact our Commercial team today!

Dean Berendt

Dean Berendt

Commercial Manager

E: dean.b@maxtarr.co.nz
M: 022 639 3644


Andrew Tokley

Project Manager
Mask Group 18

Tony Boerboom

Fire & Security Supervisor

E: tony.boerboom@maxtarr.co.nz
M: 027 497 5697

KCDC Blowers hero
Blower pipework dispatch2
Blower pipework dispatch
20221108 074411
20221108 073217
20221108 073141
20221108 073045
20221108 073034
20221108 072859
20220920 111342
20220920 110530
20220920 110521
20220920 110454
20220324 113715

KCDC engaged Max Tarr as the Main Contractor to undertake the construction and installation works for their aeration system upgrade at their Paraparaumu Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The work comprises the following components:

  • Design and construction of a new concrete base slab and building to house the new aeration blower units, complete with access doors, ventilation and building services
  • Site preparation works including retaining wall stormwater drainage, ground works, cable ducts and pulling pits
  • Site finishing works including concrete areas, asphalt areas and traffic bollards.
  • Fabrication and installation of aeration 500NB and 300NB SS316 pipework to the tie-in with existing pipework, including all pipe supports and instrumentation.
  • Installation of the new Sulzer blower units, and discharge fittings
  • Installation of new cable ducts and pull pits, power supply cables and instrument cables, from the existing DB1 switchboard to the new equipment.
  • Supply and installation of instrumentation.
  • Control systems integration of individual blowers with the existing main plant PLC
  • Commissioning of system with KCDC operations team.
  • Supply of as built documentation

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