
Health & Safety

The Max Tarr Group are trusted specialists in all aspects of industrial, infrastructure and commercial electrical safety. We provide industry-leading expertise in safety by design, mechanical & electrical engineering, as well as project planning, commissioning and maintenance.

The team at Max Tarr Group includes experienced professionals certified for work at heights, confined space and other safety-critical work environments. We are one of the few partners that can provide industry accredited, safe, live-work specialists (for those rare occasions when live work cannot be eliminated).

Our design and project management team includes professionals with experience in all aspects of risk management including HAZOP/HAZAN, High-Reliability Systems, “Five Energies”, and Critical Path Analysis.

We see Safety as one of our key strengths, both in terms of designing plants that support safe operation, and in providing trusted safety, competent tradespeople to install, maintain and service it.
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PeopleSafe is our health & safety platform where we control our H&S resources, report & record H&S related activities.
In addition, this system ensures all staff have the tools to check, review and communicate the required safety and performance standards for any activity they undertake, and risk and incident management can be retrieved immediately for review.

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Industrial Safety News reported a case where a Manawatu business installed and modified a processing machine, perhaps assuming it’s configuration was safe because it was a duplicate of another machine already in its processing facility.
However repositioning the machine required modifications which left parts of the machine unguarded – equipment that ultimately crushed and killed one if its’ workers. 
The (WorkSafe) investigation found that Kakariki Proteins did not conduct an adequate risk assessment on the replica, failed to train its staff to use the machine properly, and did not adequately supervise them. There was also no easily accessible lockable isolating switch to stop the machine quickly in an emergency.

A fine of $350,000 was imposed, and reparations of $130,000 were ordered.
WorkSafe’s area investigation manager, Paul West says any business installing a new piece of equipment must identify the risks. 

“It sounds simple but is so often missed. You might have a machine that works perfectly well, but if you move or replicate it, ask yourself how the device is going to be used and if a hazard has been introduced. 

“If you are bringing in a consultant, make sure they are competent in the job you’re asking them to do. 
This incident highlights a risk when people think only in strict “compliance” terms (i.e. does the equipment have all the “hardware” and its design specification requirements) without understanding good risk management practice as a whole. This limited perspective means that should the use case for equipment change, it may still create hazards to staff.

The case illustrates that a much more “end-to-end” approach to installation and plant design is required.

The Max Tarr group has guarding specialists qualified to assess equipment against EU and ISO safety standards, and to undertake full Safety Case reviews for any design or configuration project. This ensures that hazards associated with operation are identified and consideration is given to the equipment throughout its life cycle, including installation, commissioning, regular use and access, maintenance, and (eventual) decommissioning.


Throughout our Health & safety journey we have acquired several H&S accreditations which have enabled us to take on higher risk projects providing confidence to the client and in our own ability.
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